
this is是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

this is



1.这是 There it is. 在那儿。 This is 这位是…… Open the __ 打开…… ...

3.我是 Hellow 你好。 This is 我是。 Thank you for your time。 耽误您时间了。 ...

4.这是一个 ) feet 脚 This is a… 这是一个…… What'shis/her name7 他/她叫什么名字? ...

5.这一位是 Let me introduce you to… 让我把您介绍给…… This is这一位是…… Thank you. 谢谢您。 ...

6.这个是 here is my home 这儿是我家 this is 这个是(特指) this is my home 这是我家 ...

7.介绍他人的时候经常用 他们 they 介绍他人的时候经常用 This is … am v. be 动词现在时的第一人称单数 ...

8.有点儿生硬的感觉 ... 马克在吗? Is Mark there? * This is. * 有点儿生硬的感觉。 It's me. * 常用于像夫妻间关系非常亲密的场合。 ...


1.This is got to be the saddest day of my life. I called you here today for a bit of bad news.这将是我人生之中最悲伤的一天。今天我在这里呼唤你只为那一点坏消息。

2.This is where the actor contradicts himself: the same and yet so various, so many souls summed up in a single body.而这正是演员所矛盾的地方:同一个灵魂却也那么多种多样的灵魂皆系于一身。

3.They mean the word historia--this is a narrative sort of shape, it's reading the text as if it's telling a story.他们是指historia这个词…是一种叙事的形态,读经文就像是在讲故事。

4.'This is an industrial material; that it ended up in our food products is unimaginable, ' he said.他说,这是一种工业材料,被用于我们的食品产品中是无法想象的。

5.when he knows that this is only the strong voices of the weak to catch up, he was a thinker.当他知道了这不过是强者追赶弱者的声音时,他是个思想家。

6.We are not used to directly express their views, often extend opportunities to others. This is not so easy to make mistakes.我们不习惯直接表达自己的看法,经常是先把机会让给别人,这样比较不容易出错。

7.Sorry, Amos . Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry.抱歉,阿莫斯,有些人今天睡过了,大伙们,这是阿莫斯·迪戈里他和我在魔法部共事。

8.Because this is often the last output seen during make, it may seem like a fatal error but it's not.由于这条信息通常是在make的最后输出的,所以看起来它可能像是一个致命错误,但实际上不是。

9.This is a country, after all, that this year risked all-out war with Thailand in a petty spat over a bit of disputed borderland.毕竟,这个国家今年与泰国因边界问题的小摩擦差点爆发战争。

10.We just took this character that I just talked about, put it on a slippery surface, and this is what you get out of it.我们只是用了类似的模拟人,把它放在光滑的表面上,结果就是这样。